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UNDAUNTED (2) A Dutch schuyt cut out by Lieut. Salusbury HUMPHREYS of JUNO off Groningen on 13 August 1799.
Sold in 1800.

  • Capt. MACKENZIE of PYLADES ordered her to be armed with two 12-pounder carronades and, under the command of Lieut. HUMPHREYS, to attack a battery of six guns on Schiermonikoog and the VENGEANCE schooner, carrying two long 24-pounders, four smaller guns and 70 men, which was lying with a large row-boat and several merchant vessels near that island.
  • On the afternoon of the 13th. CRASH, UNDAUNTED and the launches of LATONA and PYLADES, each armed with 12-pounder carronades approached the enemy.
    CRASH grounded, leaving UNDAUNTED to get alongside the schooner just as she was being abandoned by her crew.
    The strong tide and the roundness of both vessels' sides prevented Lieut. HUMPHREYS from jumping on board VENGEANCE and he made an unsuccessful attempt to swim to her with a rope.
    As soon as he was hauled back on to his own deck, the schooner blew up.
    The Dutch were assumed to have left a slow match burning near a trail of powder to the magazine.
    If UNDAUNTED's crew succeeded in boarding they would have all been killed.
  • UNDAUNTED then assisted in bringing off the row-boat, twelve schuyts and two brass field pieces.

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