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TYNE (28) Built in 1826, Woolwich.
Sold in 1862.

  • 1827 Capt. James K. WHITE, 11/1826, Halifax.
  • 1828 Capt. Sir Richard GRANT, Halifax.
  • 1830 Capt. Charles HOPE, 10/1830, West Indies.
    Ordered home in 1833.
  • 1834 Capt. Viscount INGESTRE, 01/1834, Portsmouth.
  • 1835 Ditto, Mediterranean.
  • A Guardsman named Drummond, a relative of Capt. PERCY of CANOPUS, travelled to the Mediterranean as a passenger in TYNE.
    One day at sea Capt. INGESTRE sent a midshipman to fetch Mr Drummond, who delayed answering the summons until he had finished a game of backgammon.
    INGESTRE told him orders must be obeyed and, in joke, said next time he would send him to the masthead.
    Drummond replied he would be ----ed first.
    INGESTE hailed the main-top.
    Lieut. Henry MURRAY suggested they should both mount a little way up the rigging, and the matter would be finished.
    However rumour from Malta reached the London newspapers ("Outrage committed by naval captain.") and was raised in Parliament.
    Subsequently an Admiralty order was issued prohibiting mast-heading as a punishment.
  • 1838 Capt. John TOWNSEND, 09/1837, Mediterranean.

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