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TEAZER Gun-brig Built in 1804, Deptford.
Taken in 1805.
Recaptured in 1811.
Sold in 1815.

  • 1805 Lieut. George Lewis KERR.
    Captured by five gun-brigs off Granville on 16 July 1805.
    See PLUMPER.
  • On 24 August 1811 DIANA and SEMIRAMIS sighted four sail under the escort of a brig of war in the mouth of the Gironde.
    Seven boats went in that evening to capture or destroy them but found that they had moved 4 miles up river so Capt. FERRIS took DIANA in the following day and ran a brig on board.
    The vessel he captured turned out to be HM
    ex gunbrig TEAZER, mounting twelve 18-pounder carronades and two long 18-pounders and commanded by Lieut. Alex Papineau. She had 84 men on board and had sailed from Rochefort with the convoy.
  • 1812 Channel, 1814 Thomas PRICKETT, to Cork.
  • 1815 George SLOAN (1st. Lieut.), Portsmouth.

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