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Use * as a wildcard like in "Trafalg*".

SWIFT (16) Built in 1793, Portsmouth.
Lost in 1797.

  • 1797 Thomas HEYWARD.
    SWIFT left Madras for a cruise in the China seas and was never heard of again.
    Thomas Tudor TUCKER, later to command DART, CURIEUX, EPERVIER and CHERUB should have been on board but quitted her only a few days before she sailed due to a liver complaint.
  • Thomas TUCKER was also lucky on 5 November 1799.
    He happened to be ashore when the SCEPTRE, 64, was driven ashore and wrecked in Table Bay with the loss of 290 officers and men.
    At the last moment his relief, the 3rd. lieutenant, later lost, had arrived on board allowing TUCKER to attend a ball ashore.

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