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SHAMROCK (12) Gun-brig Built in 1812, Lynn.
Harbour Service in 1831.
Sold in 1867.

  • 1812 Lieut. Andrew Pellet GREEN, who first commissioned her in November.
    During the winter she was employed on the Downs station.
    On 20 March 1813 Capt. John M'KERLIE was directed to take command of a flotilla at Heligoland with the object of inspiring the inhabitants around the Elbe to resist the French.
    SHAMROCK was placed under his orders in April.
    On 18 March Hamburg was occupied by Russian troops but recaptured by the French on 30 May.
    During this time the flotilla operated in the Ems, Elbe, Weser and Jade.
    Capt. M'KERLIE was replaced by Capt. Arthur FARQUHAR in October and at the end of November Capt. GREEN collected the flotilla at Bremer-lehe to co-operate with the Russian troops under Col. Radinger.
    On the 29th., while the gunboats and the Russian field-pieces bombarded French positions at Cuxhaven, Capt. GREEN, who had been superseded but remained as a volunteer, and Capt. BANKS of BLAZER landed six 18-pounders, two 32-pounders and two 6-pounders.
    By the following day they had erected a formidable battery within 400 yards of the enemy works.
    When the morning mist cleared the enemy asked for a truce and surrendered their batteries.
  • 1814 Lieut. John MARSHALL, appointed on 11 November 1813 while SHAMROCK was employed off Cuxhaven.
    He was sent up the Elbe with a detachment of gunboats to watch the enemy at Gluckstadt and on Sunday the 19 December 1813 he saw a detachment of the Swedish army under Baron de Boye advancing on the town and reported the fact to Capt. FARQUHER in DESIREE who was at the mouth of the Elbe with BLAZER.
    The weather was too thick for them to move but when Capt. MARSHALL reported that the Swedes had attacked the Stoar battery below the town and that the French had retreated to the fortress after spiking their guns, FARQUHER came up the river during the night in a gunboat.
    The frigate and the brig arrived on the morning of the 23rd.
  • The squadron off Gluckstadt then consisted of DESIREE, SHAMROCK, BLAZER, HEARTY, PIERCER, REDBREAST and eight gunboats.
    (No.1 Lieut. HAMMER; No.2 Mr Thomas RICHES, mate; No.3.
    Lieut. SEALE; No.4 Lieut. TULLOCK; No.5 Mr John HALLOWES; No.8 lieut.
    SOPER; No.10 Lieut. ROMNEY and No.12 Lieut. HENDERSON)
  • The same day, in preparation for the attack on the fortress, two 32-pounders from DESIREE were landed to form a battery and manned by marines and seamen under the command of Capt. Andrew GREEN.
    DESIREE could not approach within gunshot of the fortress so on the morning of the 26th., after two long 18-pounders from DESIREE had been placed in each brig, an attack was made on the fortress by the brigs and gun boats under the direction of Capt. MARSHALL and this was continued for two more days.
    Since the fortress still held out more guns were landed and on the 1 January a tremendous attack was made by these, the Swedish guns and those of the brigs and gunboats which lasted all day.
    The garrison surrendered on the 5 January to Baron Gustavus de Boye, General of the Crown Prince of Sweden's army and Capt. FARQUHER.
    The only casualties in the British vessels were in BLAZER, HEARTY, REDBREAST and gunboat No.2.
  • On 9 January 1814 SHAMROCK forced her way through the ice into Cuxhaven harbour and took possession of a brig and seven gunboats belonging to the Danes. She then sailed to Kiel to lay claim to vessels and stores captured there.
    As soon as the ice broke up in March she returned to Cuxhaven to join BLAZER while her only lieutenant, James EDGECOMBE, commanded six gunboats at the siege of Hamburg.
    Capt. MARSHALL was promoted to post rank on 7 June 1814.
  • 1815 Charles ASKEW, Cork Station.
  • 1816 Plymouth.
  • 1817 Lieut. WHITE, 01/1817, Channel, as a survey vessel.

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