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PRUDENT (64) Built in 1768, Woolwich.
Sold in 1814.

  • 1781 Capt. Thomas BURNETT, With Vice Ad. ARBUTHNOT's squadron in Gardiner's Bay in January.
    On 8 March the French squadron under Des Touches sailed from Newport, followed by ARBUTHNOT who managed to get between the French and the entrance to Chesapeake Bay on the 16th.
    The three leading British vessels, including PRUDENT, came under heavy fire until the rest of the ships could come to their assistance.
    Eventually the enemy bore up and returned to Newport, and the squadron anchored in Lynnhaven Bay to repair damage.
  • 1782 Capt. Andrew BARKLEY, with Rear Ad. Sir Samuel HOOD's fleet in action with the French fleet under De Grasse at St. Kitts on 25 January.
  • Harbour service July 1779.
    Sold 11 March 1814.

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