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MARTIN (16) Sloop Built in 1790, Woolwich DY.
Foundered in 1800.

  • 1798 Cdr. RENTON.
    While dining with other naval officers at the Three Cups Inn in Harwich in February 1799 he went into an adjoining room and shot himself with a pistol he had in his pocket.
  • 1799 Hon. Matthew ST. CLAIR.
    In April 1799 MARTIN arrived at Elsineur with a convoy but found the Roads full of ice and consequently no trade coming down from the eastward. Hearing rumours of privateers off the coast of Norway he sailed there and, off the Scaw on 28 February, he gave chase to one lugger and two cutter privateers. He captured the cutter LE VENGEUR (14) with 103 men from Christiansand
  • MARTIN supposedly foundered in the North Sea with the loss of all hands during October 1800.

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