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CHAPMAN (24) Hired armed ship No details.
  • 1798 Cdr. Robert KEEN, Plymouth.
    On 21 June 1798 CHAPMAN joined a squadron of frigates under Sir Thomas WILLIAMS assisting troops under Gen. Lake fighting Irish rebels near Wexford. She anchored close in shore to cover the squadron's boats, which were blockading the harbour to prevent the rebels escaping. Capt. KEEN then received orders to land and he drove 200 rebels out of a fort and captured 3 pieces of cannon.
  • CHAPMAN was then used as a convoy escort in the Channel, mainly between Milford Haven and Plymouth.
    On 1 February 1799 CHAPMAN sailed from Milford with 25 sail for Plymouth. During the night it came on to blow hard and the following day, after losing her bowsprit,fore mast and main mast, one of the convoy, the HELEN AND MARY, Capt. Thomas, hoisted a reversed ensign, the signal of distress,. CHAPMAN answered and endeavoured to get a hawser aboard but was frustrated by the hurricane force winds. She lay by her through the night and the next day a hawser was got on board and towing commenced but increasing wind with snow showers caused the hawser to part 5 miles off the Longships, bearing S. by E. The hawser was got back on board and the HELLEN AND MARY towed safely into Falmouth. Had it not been for the CHAPMAN she must have foundered because she could neither wear nor stay, and from the very heavy sea it was impossible to make her steer.
  • 1800 He was replaced by Cdr. Thomas BROWNE in October.
    Cdr. BROWNE was made post captain April 1802.

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