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CAPTAIN (70) 3rd rate Built in 1743, Woolwich DY.
Broken up as BUFFALO in 1783.

  • 1745 Capt. Thomas GRIFFIN.
    On 6 January CAPTAIN, HAMPTON COURT (70), SUNDERLAND (60) and DREADNOUGHT (60) gave chase to three French ships off Ushant. CAPTAIN went after one which proved to be the captured British privateer MARS, George Walker, and took possession of her. HAMPTON COURT was the only one to keep up with the enemy but her captain, Savage MOSTYN, would not engage without DREADNOUGHT which could not catch up. In the end MOSTYN let the two Frenchmen sail into Brest. The French ships were actually LE NEPTUNE (74) and LE FLEURON (64), from Martinique with 4 million in specie on board. GRIFFIN was acquitted at his court martial, pleading that he thought MARS was a warship and the other two her convoy. MOSTYN was also acquitted, saying that the sea was too rough for him to open his lower gun-ports.
    Neither verdict impressed the public.
    When HAWKE sent WEAZLE to warn POCOCK that a large French convoy was heading his way after defeating their escort in October, POCOCK was able to capture 100,000 pounds worth of prizes. CAPTAIN took eight.
  • 1756 Capt. Charles CATFORD, As a 64-gun ship.
    With Vice Ad. John BYNG's fleet in the action off Minorca on 20 May. She had 6 killed and 30 wounded.
  • 1758 In January Rear Ad. Sir Charles HARDY sailed for Halifax on board CAPTAIN to use the ships there to blockade Louisbourg, but bad weather prevented him from stopping du Chaffault's squadron entering the harbour. The French left some ships there and the rest went on to Quebec. HARDY's squadron captured FOUDROYANT (22), in the St. Lawrence.
  • 1759 Capt. John AMHERST, took part in the expedition to Quebec which capitulated on 18 September.
  • Renamed BUFFALO, storeship.

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