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BRAVE (80) The French LE FORMIDABLE taken in 1805.
Broken up in 1816.

  • FORMIDABLE, SCIPION, MONT BLANC and DUGUAY TROUIN escaped from Trafalgar after the battle and, while attempting to reach the Basque roads, were brought to action by a squadron under Sir Richard STRACHAN on 4 November. The four enemy ships were in line ahead on the starboard tack when CAESAR opened fire on FORMIDABLE with her larboard guns. She was next fired on by HERO, who had gained a position on her weather bow. CAESAR was about to reopen fire when FORMIDABLE, having lost her mizzen-top-mast and about to lose her main-mast and fore-top-mast, surrendered. A boat from NAMUR took possession of her.
  • FORMIDABLE was taken to Plymouth and joined the Royal Navy as BRAVE. She was found to be not worth commissioning and in 1808 she was used as a prison hulk at Plymouth under Lieut. John RIBOLEAU.
  • 1810 Capt Edward HAWKINS, commanding the prison ships in Plymouth.
  • 1811 Lieut. Henry RAYE.

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