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ARDENT (64) Built in 1764, Hull.
Taken in 1779.
Retaken in 1782 and renamed TIGER.
Sold in 1784.

  • 1770 Capt. Richard KING.
    ARDENT was one of the ships put into commission in consequence of an apprehended rupture with Spain over the Falklands. 1778 Capt. George KEPPEL, part of the force protecting New York.
  • 1778 Capt. George KEPPEL, New York.
    With Lord HOWE's small squadron which was deployed off Sandy Hook in July to defend New York against d'Estaing's more powerful French fleet. In the event d'Estaing decided not not to risk an attack and made for Rhode Island. With HOWE's fleet in his action with d'Estaing off Rhode Island on 11 August. Both fleets were scattered by a violent storm on the 12th. and 13th.
  • 1779 Capt, Phillip BOTELER.
    In June Spain joined France in declaring war on England and on 14 August the combined fleet was off the Lizard. On the 16th. they were off Plymouth and some of the enemy frigates anchored in Cawsand Bay.
    ARDENT and MARLBOROUGH sailed from Plymouth on 14 August to join Sir Charles HARDY, who was watching a much superior Franco-Spanish fleet in the Channel. ARDENT had a raw crew, with four fifths landsmen who had never seen a gun fired, and neither captain had been told an enemy fleet was at sea.
    Two days later KINGFISHER was sent out to warn her but ARDENT evidently did not see the signals, and when her private signals were twice answered by an oncoming fleet, she sailed to meet them, only to have a French frigate, LA JUNON, fire two broadsides into her before she had hoisted her colours. Other frigates, LA GENTILLE, LA BELLONE and LA SURVEILLANTE, joined in the attack and two line of battle ships came up. ARDENT could only return a spasmodic fire and was soon forced to strike.
    The seventeen ships of the Channel fleet had already sailed in June and off the Scillies were now now separated from Plymouth by the superior Franco/Spanish fleet.
  • On 9 March 1780 a court martial assembled on board VICTORY in Portsmouth harbour and passed the following sentence on Capt. BOTELER. "That it appears Capt. Philip BOTELER did not do the utmost to prevent the king's ship from falling into the enemy's hands; and that therefore he is dismissed from his Majesty's service."
    Although he pleaded that he had been sent out with a weak and untrained crew, Capt BOTELER was dismissed the service.
  • 1782 Capt. Harry HARMOOD, guardship at Portsmouth.

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