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ALDERNEY (8) Bomb Built in 1735, Woolwich DY.
Hulk in 1741.

  • 1738 Cdr. WEST.
  • 1738 Cdr. James SCOTT. ALDERNEY undocked at Woolwich on 9th. August and sailed from Galleons Reach on the 22nd. Accompanied by the SALAMANDER, bomb, she arrived at Spithead on 14th. September. On 25th. September trials were carried out and the mortars fired. This caused some damage and the two ships had to be repaired in Portsmouth Harbour. A survey recommended that their bulkheads should be strengthened and moved aft. ALDERNEY and SALAMANDER returned to Woolwich on 11th. December to be paid off.
  • On 11th. June 1739 Capt. SCOTT requested an impress for manning his ship and on the 22nd, along with the captains of the other bombs, he requested that the mizzen topsails should be replaced with try-sails. He received orders from V. Adm BALCHIN to cruise between Scarborough, Hull and Burlington to procure men and bring them to the Nore for John NORRIS and asked for a pilot on 1st. July. ALDERNEY returned to Woolwich on 15th. August and was in dock for four days before sailing for the Downs on 10th. September. At Spithead ALDERNEY and TERRIBLE were ordered to be stored for a voyage to the West Indies and they sailed on 2nd November.
  • 1740 With the squadron under Vice Ad. VERNON that sailed from Port Royal on 25 February to bombard Carthagena. On the 3rd. March the squadron anchored before the town in nine fathoms of water in an open bay called Playa Grande and on the 6th. the bomb ketches, ALDERNEY, TERRIBLE and CUMBERLAND, covered by the smaller ships, bombarded the town until nine in the morning, without doing much damage or receiving any. On 22 March the three bombs opened fire on Fort San Lorenzo at Chargres. Later they were joined by the heavier guns of NORWICH, STAFFORD, DIAMOND, PRINCESS LOUISA and FALMOUTH. After two days the governor surrendered Chargres. Much booty was captured and the defences were demolished.
  • With the fleet under Vice Ad. VERNON that put to sea from Jamaica on 30 June to launch an abortive attack on Santiago de Cuba. This was abandoned when Gen. Wentworth's men were unable to make any progress through the thickly wooded country and VERNON could see no way of capturing the place from the sea.
  • After being condemned by a survey at the end of 1741 ALDERNEY was hulked at Jamaica and used to careen ships.
  • In January 1742 the Admiralty arranged with merchant builders for six bombs to be built to the design of the ALDERNEY.

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